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Design and Implementation

     At this time the final design and implementation of the program is still under discussion. What is known is that the ultimate goal is to operate with a basic client/server model. This will allow the user to connect and interact with the program via an internet connection, which will fulfill several of the program objectives.  However, it may be necessary to first implement the progam as a stand alone program. Depending on the final design of the program, more than one interface may be required.

     Once the basic design of the program is completed (and hopefully that won't take too long), the implementation can begin. The program will be implemented using C/C++ along with the wxWidgets library. This will hopefully allow the program to be written in a way that makes porting to different operating systems easier. Ideally Windows and Linux implementation will be able to proceed concurrently.

Getting Started

     What is needed right now to get started is a web designer and/or maintainer as well as people who can help with the design of the program itself. The best people for that are those who have some knowledge of astronomy and/or programming (you don't need to have knowledge of both, but if you do, that's good!). A user interface designer would also be nice. As things move forward, coders, testers, documentation writers and others will be needed.

     Interested in helping out or finding out more? Contact one of the project administrators as listed on the project summary page.

Project Introduction                         Project Objectives

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